Sunday, March 31, 2013

Thoughts on Leaving Teddy. .. .

With Easter weekend, came our first overnight away from Teddy.

Teddy, at his "one week" Adoptiversary

He still had my husband here, and a good family friend who came and took him for 2 walks, but it wasn't the "whole family" handling him all day like he's already grown accustomed to.

I have discovered our dear pooch has some separation anxiety issues.  Today, every time we were out of sight, he barked and barked and barked.  Normally Teddy is a fairly quiet dog, so this surprised me. 

He kept STARING at me, panting heavily, like he was scared we were going to leave him again. 

We made it through the afternoon and evening, with him finally passing out next to Dboy.

Hoping tomorrow, we can help our precious pooch see that we're in this for the long haul.

There is a reason we chose to wait as long as we did before bringing a canine into our family - we KNEW a dog would take time, patience, and training and love - a LOT like a child.

And, the same way I view my children - they are a responsibility I CHOSE to create and have, and they are not a distraction in my life - a "toss-aside" while I do all the stuff I "want" to do - my kids and our new pooch are choices we have made in life, and precious family members.

Teddy will be getting lots of love and lots of training.  And, obviously lots of reassurance that he's not going to be "ditched".

Friday, March 29, 2013

"Mutt"sy Musings for Friday

So, yesterday was a tough, busy, kinda hectic day for poor Teddy Ruxpin.  I just heard news that a dear friend is moving from the area soon, so needed to call her - we started chatting, as usual, and talked longer than typical.

Took Teddy outside for potty, while distracted on the phone.  Brought him in, distracted.  I paid for it later, as he expressed some frustration with my lack of attention.  He did get a discipline and sent outside for a bit.  Forgot about the mailman coming, so he was still outside when he showed up.

Teddy and mailman "met" and made friends, ha.  Poor mailman.  He was okay with him, since he is not a vicious sort of dog.

THen, went to pick up a friend and bring her and her baby over.

THAT was another "glitch" in the carefully planned schedule we have for our Teddy as he adjusts.

Poor Teddy didn't know WHAT to do with the baby!  All told - it was a "different" day for him - lots of "upset" in his routine.

He did not react the best to all the change, and got really hyped up at the end of the day.  Seemed very discontent and confused.

Compare that to this morning - when I was FOCUSED on him.  We had a good snuggle time in the morning - with Dboy, myself and Teddy.  He walked outside to go potty, came inside nicely.  He has been a good gentleman all day.  I notice how much he really needs assurance - maybe due to his Newfie nature - not sure.  But, he responds much better to praise and gentle love.  It relaxes him AHEAD of time, so he can focus and not be frightened and agitated as the day goes by. 

I find the same to be true of my kids - when we're on a basic routine/schedule. 

I am glad for lessons from yesterday, that showed me this new doggy is rather needy right now - but we have only had him here for 1 week!  He has settled in GREAT, considering that fact!

Now, going to try cleaning up some with doggy underfoot - we'll see how he does with that.  Hopefully he will content himself with just lying NEAR us as we go about our business.

Teddy Ruxpin, I hope you know you are loved, adored, and we aren't going to ditch you over a few mishaps and trials.  We have NO idea what your previous experience is, but just like Jesus offers us a new, fresh start, every day, we will do the same with you.  Each day is a new beginning, and, hopefully, you will learn you can trust us and that you're safe with us. 

I hope the same for each and every reader - that somehow, you can experience that same peace by trusting God loves you so much and gives a new start every day!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

HELLO! Time to introduce ourselves!

We began our journey into the shelter world about a month ago.

We are a family of five:  Gman - age 12.  Jbird, age 10, and Dboy, age 6.  Gman and Jbird are my "cat" kids - they LOVE cats.  Especially my oldest. You could almost say it's an obsession for him.  Myself - I am the same way.  I love cats, adore cats, and just can hardly get enough of them.  My daughter is more like, "Animals are cuddly and cute and nice" in her attitude.  My youngest is our dog-child.  He will chase down ANYONE walking a dog, having to pet their dog whenever he can.  He reads dog stories, he sighs with joy whenever he sees a dog picture or puppy picture.  He LOVES dogs.  His bedroom is Snoopy.  Did I mention he enjoys dogs????  My husband is the mentally stable one when it comes to animals - loves them, but not obsessed.  So, he keeps us from becoming an animal shelter of our own, haha.

Our journey at the shelter began one night after my 6 year old started crying, telling me how much he wanted a dog. First off, I told him he needed to pray about it - and ask God to work in all of us - to let us know "when it was time" and we were ready as a family, to take on the responsibility of a dog.

Then, I started thinking of the dogs at the shelter/Humane Society in town, and how lonely they must feel at times.  So, we loaded up and went there to sign up as volunteers.

What astounds me is how quickly the dogs and cats have gotten to know us and recognize us.  Since we just got Teddy, we have taken a few days off of going, but we have not stopped being volunteers.  I just felt we needed some time to get used to our own new boy.

I have noticed myself wondering about the other dogs, and how they're doing.  Even Dboy had a dream last night about one of our doggy friends there - Cooper.  That was the first dog we took out on a walk. 

That was an interesting lesson for me.  For some odd reason, I assumed all dogs love kids.  Or at least want to play.  Not so with Cooper - he is friendly to my son, not mean, but rather aloof.  I noticed that immediately and realized that was not what I would want in a family pet.  Dboy loved him, just the same, and the last time we took Coop for a walk, he played ball, ran beside us outside, etc.  My son's favorite thing to do when walking Cooper is to hold his paw high in the air and sing, 'Here comes the king!  Make way for the King" every time we take him outside.  I usually carry the smaller dogs out side until we get out, then they can run and do their business.

Here's a pic of Cooper:
He is a sweet heart, but, as I said - rather aloof toward my youngest.  I knew if we were to get a dog, he would have to be readily accepting of my son, as he would hopefully become my youngest son's dog.

My favorite was a boy named Honey - Honey already has his forever home - I figured he'd find a home quickly.

Honey would shake and get all excited when he'd see me, and would snuggle in my arms.  I learned all about tiny dogs from Honey, and soon realized - that would NOT work in our home!  As awesome as this lil boy was, he would have been trampled in our VERY, VERY active home.

These are two dogs that were/are favorites of the family's. . . until Teddy, of course, lol.

Anyway - that is our family, these were two of the first dogs that "impacted me" from the Humane Society dog walking experience!

Next blog - I'll talk a little about the Cats in the cat room!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shelter Musings and the new doggy!

So, we started at the shelter, expecting THAT to fulfill all desires for a dog in our home.

Frankly, it was working PERFECTLY!  I saw how much work it was, just walking these dogs and helping them out, 2 - 3 times a week.  I finally had decided I was okay without a dog in our house - we have Colby Jack and Rosalina.  Maybe, instead, we needed another CAT!  YES!  Because, I "get" cats, I've owned cats, I understand cats!  

I LOVE and adore animals - pretty much all - even mice (in a cage - not running around my house), hamsters, anything furry.  I like them.  I even like snakes, although, not enough to own a big one in a cage that I have to feed live critters, ha.

But, that being said, I was observing how much more work dogs are over cats.  Cats - you feed them, you clean their litter box, when they bother to come by you, you let them rub against you and purr.  Easy.

Taking care of dogs, I noticed, was a HUGE difference. You need to train them.  You need to let them know who is boss.  Cats don't care if you THINK you're the boss - they'll just play ya for the treats.  

Enter Ruxpin - a ginormous (how do you spell that new, fake word anyway?) doggy of mixed breed - not a surrender, but a stray.  Ruxpin would always seem to reach out to me when I walked by, and I would always stop by his cage, and looks at those brown eyes and wonder what this big boy would do if I dared enter that cage.  Finally, one day, when my hubby was with me, I decided to give it a try - the description said he was a big baby who loved laps - sounded nifty!  

Well, long story short - I fell in love.  What I fell in love with MOST was the way he handled my 6 year old - he rolled over on his big, placing big, giant fluffy paws on my son's chest.  He giggled, burying his face into this uknown dog's chest, and the dog fairly purred - if dogs could purr, he would have purred.

Then, a gal came into the large dog area, handing out bones!  "OH DEAR" I thought - we're goign to get chomped!  She handed me the bone - remember to completely remain calm, I offered it to this huge dog, with big jaws!  I did not feel him remove the bone - he did it so gently.  WHAT? ? ? ?

Loves my kid, gentle as a - I don't know what - not any of the other large dogs we had walked or played with!  We took him outside, he didn't pull a whole lot, which also surprised me.  All the other big dogs would nearly have me on my bum everytime.  

Our only discussion as a family was for me to say to my husband, "I think we need to seriously consider this dog."  The description was Newfoundland/Australian Shepherd mix.  I looked them up and both demeanors certainly seemed to fit this big ole Teddy Bear.     

The next day, hubby said, "So, which cat are we taking to meet Ruxpin to see how he does with cats?"  

That day, with the assistance of a good friend who came to check him out, too, we made the decision to change our lives forever!

We brought Teddy home after the shelter folks checked him out in the cat colonies.  This dog, who could snap a cat's neck in half with one gulp - just went to the ground and tried taking a nap, from their description. Even with a cat spitting and hissing at him - he laid down, and that was it.

We knew he was to be "our baby".

We have been volunteering less than a month, lol.

But, we also are NOT DONE with our volunteering.  We are taking a few days off, to get acclimated to our new dog, then, next week, back to 2 - 3 days a week of helping walk the dogs at the Shelter.  I find myself missing those dogs and cats, and even wondering how many will be left after this coming weekend.  With the weather warming up, and people venturing back outside after a LONG, cold, cooped up winter, I am guessing lots of doggies will find homes - hopefully FOREVER homes and not short-term homes.

Here is TEddy Ruxpin :

      The dog who is changing our lives, one belly rub at a time!  

Monday, March 25, 2013

First things first - just seeing if it posts!

Okay - this is my first, ever, blog!  So, at this point, I'm saying nothing with meaning - just seeing if it will actually work!

So, blah, blah, blah.

Blaaahhhhgpost done!  If this works, will post a real post!  ;)

This is my Suzy Q - She passed away ,just a little under a year ago!  We got our Rosalina cat shortly after she passed away.  Life has held many changes since then!

Okay - now to see how this looks and if it worked!